
Recommended Tool Selection by Simon Frübis, last edited 22.01.2023

Design Tools Dark.png

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⭐️ = My favorit tools 🆕  = New Apps

(…) = Discontinued apps

XR Design Tools

XR Frameworks

XR Design Guides

Design for spatial input - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

Principles of spatial design - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

Design for spatial user interfaces - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

Create immersive Unity apps - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

XR Design Guidelines - Ultraleap documentation

Mixed Reality Design Guidelines | Oculus Developers

Design process for mixed reality - Mixed Reality

Mixed reality UX elements - Mixed Reality

User Interface Components | Oculus Developers

Best Practices | Oculus Developers

Principles | Oculus Developers

Developer Portal | Magic Leap

Design Thinking Methods

Facilitation Techniques and Workshop Activities | Library

The Workshopper Playbook - Limited Copies